September 28, 2013

Doorstep Delights Book Haul (also STS)

I may have mentioned some of these but hauls take a while to build (at least for me... XD)

Anyway, I'm doing 'Doorstep Delights' today. This feature is hosted by Hawwa (or Hawaii if you prefer, jokes- 
I'm not on my kindle atm) @ itwaslovelyreadingyou. Please don't eat my books Hawwa...
Besides Hawwa, there's STS (Tynga's Reviews): Saturday book haul meme. Enjoy this random haul please!
For once I haven't hauled any library books, I don't want Hawwa to eat library books because it'd be hard explaining that to the library. No, a dog didn't eat the books- it was a human. She's a book blogger. I no longer volunteer in the library (holidays have to end) but I do other volunteering/youth work instead now
it's schooltime, sadly no books are involved...
Here are books which I acquired ;) It was over like, 3 months... DON'T JUDGE (that includes laughing at me...)

The Screaming Staircase (Lockwood & Co. #1) by Jonathan Stroud - For Review @ Once Upon A Series*
Harry Potter books (does it count as hauling if you just nick them from your brothers shelf?) 

*Once Upon A Series is not cited for receipt of TSS (L&C #1); I'm one of the team behind that blog & Chrissie was  the middle (wo)man who passed it on from Random House. Thanks RH & my lovely co-blogger there! :D

Other books for review:

Cruel Summer (Thanks FierceFiction team @ Orion/Indigo Publishers)
Diamond Thief (thanks Curious Fox, see below)
Red Rock (ditto CF, I also wrote when I'd read the sampler, at the time I was reading Diamond Thief for SRS, Charlie's Letters- they are about Red Rock & I decided recently to write some more from Charlie's letters & leave it hanging until I've read more of Red Rock- you can see the page which is going to be part of the next installment poking out of Red Rock!)
The Soterion Mission (ditto thanks)
Shown: Diamond Thief & Amber (last Curious Fox book, I didn't expect this one but hopefully once TSM is read & Red  Rock  reviewed as well then I'll be able to get to this one too- sampler in other image)
SHE IS NOT INVISIBLE (also courtesy of Orion's Indigo imprint).

Ebooks (thanks to the authors)


A series you may recognize. Book pushed
by... well, you know Rita!
Where I Belong by Gillian Cross is one of my first blogger friends favourite books & when I see that and a 5* rating, I get intrigued. At first I was just going to get it from the library but when I saw it for only £2, no lie, I was like... Why not? So it doesn't matter whether Char likes it or not, or why really... It was like so cheap, for physical books anyway. I'd had enough coffee too so I could afford to spend what may buy two coffees, and occasionally three XD
Shimmer - Series
Geek Girl - You don't need to ask. Just ask me what I think when I've read it & fingers crossed...
Halifax I just bought as it was discounted... By a lot. I think it was 49p (which is less than a Wispa)? It still might still be!

What do you think of these books? Read & reviewed any? Link reviews of these books if you so please, then we can convince other readers to get them... Maybe I'd even get to buddy read (hopefully am for Soterion Mission soon anyway!) some of them... YAY!

Soon going to read Harry_Potter_and_the_Prisoner_of_Azkaban

1 comment:

Sunny @ A Sunny Spot said...

Amy where have you been, you are missed in the twitterverse. I haven't read HP but strangely I have all of them. Amber looks really good, Hope you like it. Happy Reading :)

- Sunny :) my haul

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