March 06, 2013

Reviewing... [11] A.N.T.I.D.O.T.E

Malorie Blackman month is done with Char @ From The Shadows I Review. Check this awesome blog out for more Malorie Blackman stuff SOON! :D


Author: Malorie Blackman (because we're dedicating month to her books which are all very highly acclaimed...).


Recommended for: Mostly kids but hey... anyone really! You like action? You like spies? Confidential information being unearthed?

As you should be more than aware I have more than just A.N.T.I.D.O.T.E at my fingertips. So what stopped me from picking the others up at first or was A.N.T.I.D.O.T.E just at the top of the pile (seen above... uhh, right...)?
Well, with all due respect it wasn't the cover (gee, the Noble Conflict cover- that's good!) Simplicity has its beauty and I do like photographic covers but I've seen books with covers that appeal more to me...
And yet, I read this one first!
Solely, I think, for the fact the MC is a guy! A cute Elliot-named guy whose Mum has a handful of haters...

Those first thoughts aside, it was a good start to the month! The adventure is quite captivating and the threads of mystery running through are what makes it so realistic. You can believe that they don't know certain things even if some of it was semi-predictable. I only thought certain aspects were possibilities and hey... Intuition. It's a winner :P I am bearing in mind that this is probably for younger readers (the length tells me that) so they are likely to have the revelations come as shocks to them. It was a mix of complicated and simple and it was enjoyable! Elliott is probably a young high schooler so will appeal to primary school kids that are ready to 'grow up'. We all remember that...
Elliott probably has grown up before his time so is an ideal 'hero' figure for this novel. His voice is easy to understand but full of emotion which makes it even more stark and straight away it is clear that this is innovating (or at least to me it's fresh).

From beginning to end I was like:
You know that feeling when you just picked up a good book?

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